The primary goal of the HBCU QISE (Quantum Information Science and Engineering) Short Course Series is to equip HBCU faculty, graduate students, and research staff with seminal training to enable successful entry into the QISE ecosystem. A secondary goal is to enable HBCU faculty to implement QISE courses (both online on the qBraid platform and in person at YQI) and research activities that will engage HBCU undergraduates. We will also expand the engagement of HBCU undergraduates in the QISE via Mini-Internship (1 week) and Summer Internship Programs (8 weeks) at YQI and NC A&T. We will increase the awareness of QISE within the general NC A&T community and the greater Greensboro via the YQI’s Quantum and Art Exhibition and multimedia QISE marketing campaign.
In the late 1990s a small revolution started in New Haven, Connecticut. Experimentalists and theorists at Yale University started to focus their attention on quantum mechanics to leverage its properties to build a new type of computer that could, in theory, overpower any of the current computers. After a decade of hard work and several technological breakthroughs, these researchers ran in 2009 the world’s first demonstration of two-qubit algorithms with a superconducting quantum processor inside a dilution refrigerator called Badger.
Join us for the opening of the touring exhibition ”The Quantum Revolution: Handcrafted in New Haven” at the NC A&T University Galleries. Curated by Florian Carle, the exhibition captures the history and the handcrafted beauty of the groundbreaking work. Scattered around the gallery are cavities, qubits, and substrates (the nuts and bolts of quantum architecture) and original notebook drawings by YQI Artist-in-Residence Martha W. Lewis.
The exhibition will feature additional artworks from NC A&T students from The Department of Visual and Performing Arts, Visual Arts Program of the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences of North Carolina A&T State University.
We hope this exhibition sparks your interest and encourages you to learn more about quantum technology. You should consider taking full advantages of the quantum science resources available to you at NC A&T.
qBraid offers an online course intended as a beginners course in quantum computing. This course is primarily intended as an introduction to quantum computing, perfect for anyone with some working knowledge of linear algebra, complex numbers and python. Although, these topics are not a requirement and we cover them in this course. This is a perfect entry into the world of quantum with the following objectives:
- Understand the basics of classical computing.
- Obtain an informal understanding of quantum mechanics.
- Rigorously understand the basics of quantum computing.
- Discover and understand some of the most counterintuitive features of quantum computing, like interference and entanglement, through a number of simple and fascinating applications.
- Understand and be able to code simple quantum computing algorithms using Qiskit, a Python library.
Course Instructors: Kenneth Heitritter and Tarini Hardikar
Participants who have completed at least 80% of the online course might have the opportunity to continue their training for a week-long in person course at the Yale Quantum Institute.
The course will focus on Quantum Error Detection & Quantum Error Correction, with course in the morning, and hands-on activities and laboratory and campus visits in the afternoon.
Course Instructors: Florian Carle (Yale Quantum Institute), Yongshan Ding (Yale CS), Alex Kubica (Yale Applied Physics), Shruti Puri (Yale Applied Physics), Steve Girvin (Yale Physics), Danny Weis (QCI Inc.)
Feel free to reach out to any of us to get involved or if you have any questions.